If you work in the Now or Never sales industry like timeshare, door to door or canvasing etc., there is usually a cooling off period or recision timespan. The prospect CAN activate to cancel their order. This is probably more resented by sales professionals than the prospect saying no at the end of the presentation. Sales Follow Up is an essential part of selling.
Cancellations do not begin during the legal time frame the clients have from the point of sale. They can begin even before they’ve signed. Sometimes, because they feel they’ve been sold to rather than been allowed to buy. On other occasions, an objection was never completely overcome during the presentation. This has now grown to the point of rejection. There are many reasons as to why prospects withdraw. Prevention is better than cure. I’m sure we all agree. The more the prospects have been allowed to buy, the more solid the sale is and this should always be practiced.
Is building a relationship with your client enough?
Building relationships are the foundation of any solid sale. Most presentation oriented industries would agree to this fundamental. Great sales professionals build fantastic relationships with their prospects as they realize future business can depend on it.
However, the biggest crime a sales professional can commit is to ignore the prospects past the point of sale. Think about the picture from the prospects point of view. They felt they made a great friend they trusted. Once they signed, their new friend vanished. All the confidence they placed in you is now in question. It could be so simple with a short Sales Follow Up.
One of the biggest reasons sales people ignore signed customers during the recision period is the fear of hearing they wish to cancel their agreement. The fear is that great that many make excuses about the prospect never being available when they try to call. Although I appreciate the anticipation during the dreaded timeframe, I have never understood the excuses not to call and follow up on signed customers.
If the customer is going to withdraw from the sale, don’t you wish to have an opportunity to make it solid again before they sign the forms? Do you really think your prospects appreciate your vanishing act that much that they are even more convinced they made the correct decision to buy with you? If your prospects have doubts after signing and you don’t make contact they will withdraw.
Which of these would you find easier to handle in your Sales Follow Up?
A. Calling the client for the first time when you receive the withdrawal notification. The client will probably be expecting your call. They will doubt your sincerity as they’ve not heard from you since they agreed to buy. The only reason you’re calling is to salvage your commission payment. If the forms have been signed to cancel the agreement then their mind is usually made and it is extremely difficult to open them to reconsider. You have lost any referral business that may have followed. You are not calling from a position of strength but rather that of forgiveness and frustration.
B. Calling the client a couple of days after the purchase agreement. Your clients will appreciate your integrity and appreciate you didn’t fake your sincerity to get the sale. They will feel confident with you as a person. It demonstrates the belief you have in the product that you allowed them to buy. If they have any concerns or wobbles that may lead to a withdrawal then you are coming from a position of strength. You contacted them first. They have not signed the recision paperwork so you have a chance to answer and satisfy those doubts and keep the sale alive.
A final thought! You have done all the hard work during your presentation. Your prospects trusted, respected and believed in you during your meeting. They liked what you offered so much so they bought. You are the only one that can make that follow up call and reaffirm their belief in you and the product they purchased. If there are any doubts in their mind, you are the only person that can reassure them as you have earned their trust and confidence.